
Climate action needs creative solutions. At SWG3, our mission is to take ambitious climate action and ensure the future of live music for generations to come. We pledge to transparently measure, communicate and reduce our impact on the environment and share our successes and learnings along the way.




We aim to power our events efficiently with clean, renewable energy. We've been purchasing 100% renewable energy since 2021 and in 2022 we switched on BODYHEAT, our renewable heating and cooling system that harnesses body heat from our audiences. We've also got plans to start generating our own electricity through solar power.



We're working with our suppliers to source materials and services sustainably and design out waste from our operations. In 2023 we eliminated plastic cups from our gigs and events by introducing reusable Stack Cups to our bars. We aim to increase collaboration with suppliers to find innovative ways to embrace the circular economy. 



Audience and staff travel to SWG3 accounts for over 80% of our carbon footprint. We plan to work with our audiences, artists and partners in the travel sector to reduce and mitigate travel emissions and encourage people to travel to the venue sustainably by improving cycling facilities and public transport provision.


While reducing greenhouse gas emissions has a key role to play in the sustainability of SWG3 and our planet, we recognise the need to approach our environment holistically. We aim to go beyond carbon reduction to embrace circular economy principles and regenerative practices that positively impact people and planet.