Clydeside Initiative for Arts
Clydeside Initiative for Arts Ltd (CIA) is the founding charity of SWG3. Its vision is to develop, facilitate and sustain a world in which everyone has a chance to find inspiration in creativity and memorable cultural experiences.
Guided by a board of Voluntary Directors, CIA’s mission is to build a creative hub — a cultural platform of spaces and activities fusing fuse art, design, music, fashion, food, nature and everything in between. The charity’s work includes supporting the creative industry; producing a programme of inspiring events at SWG3; reducing unsafe street and and graffiti practices; providing crucial practical support for Glasgow’s street arts community; delivering a creative learning programme for local people; and working in partnership with local communities to support creative place-making and urban regeneration.
The story so far
Since CIA was founded in 2005, we’ve achieved a significant number of milestones towards this vision. These include:
- Creating affordable studios for 300+ studio artists
- Building a graffiti network with 80+ members
- 220 art exhibitions and on-site projects
- 80 international artist projects
- 15 design desks supporting 70+ designers
- 150 designers at London Fashion Week
- Employing 8 full-time young curators
- Sponsoring studio space for 60 new graduates
- Hosting 3000+ musicians and performing artists
- Hosting 500+ annual cultural events
- Engaging 500 community participants
- Producing 4km of murals and street arts
The next five years
Across the next five years, our ambitions to bring culture and creativity to Glasgow and beyond continue, with exciting and far-reaching plans already in place. This work will bring substantial cultural, social, environmental and economic benefits to Glasgow. We believe it will also make a real difference to people working in the cultural sector, to the local communities close to SWG3, to the lives of young people, and to the wider city and the people who live here.
Find out more about the SWG3 Masterplan.
Our board of six Voluntary Directors have a broad skillset across creative disciplines, property development, supporting young people and entrepreneurship.
Andrew Fleming-Brown
Damian Smith
Morag Arnot
Joe Logan
Billy Singh
Wendy Jordan
Clyde Mission
Vacant and Derelict Land Fund
Regeneration Capital Grant Fund
Scottish Enterprise
UK Government’s Community Renewal Fund
Creative Scotland
Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition Programme
District Heating Loan Fund
William Grant Foundation
VKR Foundation
Foundation Scotland
Inspiring Scotland’s Creative Communities
The National Lottery Community Fund
Clydeside Initiative for Arts Ltd is a registered charity (charity registration number SC037703).