Street Art District

As part of the Glasgow Riverside Innovation District (GRID) project, SWG3 will soon sit at the heart of a striking graffiti and street arts district, illuminating the neighbouring communities of Partick, Yorkhill and Govan with an open-air gallery trail of large-scale murals.
Linking the communities of Partick, Yorkhill and Govan, the Yardworks G.R.I.D. project will see gable ends illuminated with new, large-scale murals, creating an open-air gallery trail and attracting visitors to the area. With our ideas reaching outside of the complex, it’s been vital that we’ve consulted and worked closely with members of those communities, finding out their views on graffiti and street arts, their local areas, and what they’d want to see happen there. And so, over the past year, we've been conducting surveys, speaking to locals, and holding workshops to find out what people really want in their area.
Yard Works Studio
A purpose-built home for street arts
Acting as a catalyst at the heart of this new district sits the Yardworks Studio, Scotland’s first purpose-built hub for street artists to develop their talents. Unveiled at Yardworks Festival 2023, the studio provides space for hundreds of artists to create, experiment and hone their craft, and for extensive community projects to flourish.
The bigger picture
A transformative plan for the Clydeside and beyond
Through collective efforts, GRID is supporting the development of new collaborations and uniting networks of clusters, people and ideas within an evolving innovation eco-system. As part of our 2020-2025 Vision, SWG3 is part of a wider change process to transform the area’s identity, increase connectivity and support economic activity. Through this, and a wide range of other projects, we aim to improve the quality of our surrounding area, better connecting SWG3 to other attractions and communities, and contributing to the place-making vision for the River Clyde and GRID.